Project Description
Hannibal School District #60 was looking for ways to improve the learning environment while reducing energy and operating costs. After a competitive selection process and a successful bond election in 2019, Performance Services completed a multi-phase renovation project, preceded by a detailed facility assessment. The project included comprehensive HVAC, plumbing, lighting, windows, and controls upgrades across the district, including important air purification technology. The project began in the summer of 2019 with completion in 2020.
In early 2020, the District selected Performance Services again to implement an $11,261,515 phase II capital improvement project. This phase focused on building envelope improvements, which included new ceilings at Korf Gym, roof renovations at Patch Elementary, and a football locker room renovation at HCTC. Additionally, this phase included extensive plumbing improvements at the high school, middle school, and Korf Gym.
After two successful project phases, the District began the third phase in 2021, utilizing ESSER funds and District funds to implement various indoor air quality improvements. The project includes new HVAC systems for the Patch Health Clinic and Oakwood Elementary. This work also includes new electrical service, new ceilings, controls, and ADA improvements. The project will be completed in Fall 2022.
Project Highlights
- New dedicated ventilation systems with bipolar ionization integrated into the HVAC systems to purify the air and provide fresh, clean air distribution.
- New temperature and humidity control systems.
- New operable windows at the High School and Middle School.
- District-wide interior and exterior LED lighting upgrades
- New water source heat pump/rooftop units HVAC system at high school and middle school replaced old steam boiler systems.
- New chilled water system for classrooms at Hannibal Career and Technical Center, adding air conditioning and heat to classrooms and shop areas
- New suspended ceiling throughout classrooms and corridors at the high school and middle school
- Replaced existing galvanized domestic water system; removed and replaced existing water heaters, softeners, and hot water return pumps at the high school
- New ceilings at Korf Gym
- Roof renovations at Patch Health Clinic
- Plumbing improvements at the high school, middle school, and Korf Gym
- New HVAC systems for the Patch Health Clinic and Oakwood Elementary School which includes new electrical services, new ceilings, and controls
- ADA improvements at Patch Health Clinic
- Engineered Systems Feature Video
In July 2020, Hannibal School District #60 was one of seven recipients to receive a low-interest loan to assist with energy efficiency projects from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
Photo credits: Frederick | Julius Photography