A high-performing building is energy-efficient and meets rigorous standards for indoor air quality and lighting and noise levels.

A high-performing building is energy-efficient and meets rigorous standards for indoor air quality and lighting and noise levels. Those standards can vary widely depending on the intended use of a built environment: a government or public facility, a university lab, or a school classroom.

Four season optimization infographic of factors that contribute to indoor air quality

Poor indoor environments lead to negative consequences, including infectious diseases, uncomfortable working conditions, and poor learning outcomes. That’s why we focus on creating environmental controls that support the specific use of the physical environment.

The good news is that environmental performance does not have to come at the expense of increased energy consumption. Our design goal is to combine energy-efficiency and an optimal environment guarantee on every project.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is an excellent measure of the overall health of a building. It’s essential to have good indoor air quality to ensure the occupants in your building remain safe, healthy, and happy. Various factors contribute to indoor air quality, some of which include:

  • Air ventilation
  • Air filtration
  • Outside air exchange
  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • HVAC maintenance and controls
  • Asthma triggers
  • Radon levels
  • Pests

In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, schools especially need to address the indoor air quality of their buildings. Please see our updated Best Practices for Indoor Air Quality in K-12 School Buildings for guidelines on promoting a healthy learning environment with defined indoor air quality criteria and standards.

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