Clinton, IN. The South Vermillion Community School Corporation School Board of Trustees received an update on their energy savings at its regular board meeting Monday evening from Performance Services, Inc. Highlights in the report noted a cumulative reduction in energy cost and an improved building automation system. The focus of their most recent 2013 energy project was a South Vermillion High School. Utility bill savings for a two-year period was $83,857 and exceeded the guarantee amount by 35 percent.
The District implemented a guaranteed energy savings project to improve energy performance. The project included a building controls upgrade, adding new variable frequency drives to the gym air handlers, toilet renovations and lighting upgrades in the natatorium. Also included were lighting upgrades at Central Elementary, South Vermillion Middle School and a new domestic hot water heater at Van Duyn Elementary. A new web-based digital controls workstation provided the school system with the ability to remotely monitor and optimize classroom and facility temperatures with school occupancy. Rich Buker, director of maintenance, leads the building efforts at the District.
“The South Vermillion Community School Corporation is committed to energy conservation efforts as we continue to upgrade our facilities in an energy efficient manner. Investing in our people and processes in order to minimize costs is our focus. It is great to know that the efforts made to date have lessened our energy usage, cost and impact on the environment. Moving forward, it is our goal to continue to search for new ways to conserve and save,” said Dave Chapman, superintendent.
It’s been rewarding to work with the staff at South Vermillion and to partner with them to reduce energy consumption, lower utility bills, and provide an improved learning environment for students and staff,” said Tim Thoman, president of Performance Services, an ENERGY STAR® Partner.